Life Group Leadership Training

Being a Life Group Leader is not about being perfect; it’s about serving others by giving them a place to connect, protect, and grow.

Training Opportunities

We offer several opportunities to participate in our Life Group Leadership training in both English and Spanish.

Registration for our next Life Group Leadership Training is up!

Leading a Life Group

It’s simple to be a Life Group Leader – choose a topic or activity of your interest, and pick a day and place to meet with your group. We give you the essential tools for your small group to be successful. First, through the Life Group Leadership Training, we equip you with everything you need to start leading.

Also, we prepare a directory where you can register your group so that others can easily find it. We believe lives are transformed one semester at a time when people take a step towards Jesus, and as a Life Group Leader, you play an important role in that process.

Ready To Lead A Group

Once you’ve completed both the Vertical Growth Track and the Life Group Leadership Training, you’re ready to lead a Life Group!